Black Inc Three disc Forhjul Clincher, CeramicSpeed Black Inc Three disc Forhjul Clincher, CeramicSpeed

Black Inc Three disc Forhjul

Clincher, CeramicSpeed

16 999,-

Black Inc "Three" trispoke forhjul

På jakt etter noe ekstra raskt?
Da er dette hjulet gjerne det du trenger på temposykkelen din!

Dette hjulet er ekstremt stivt og utformingen av eikene gjør hjulet raskt under alle forhold.
Black Inc skriver selv:
"In fact, it can even add lift in some cases during real-world racing when the airflow deviates from the normal direction. This outcome is most likely to be seen during higher yaw airflows and gust conditions found during the many real world races such as Kona. In these conditions, where a standard spoke wheels begin to stall, the Black Inc THREE continues to thrive, giving you the maximum performance across a broad range of wind conditions and gusts."

Vekt:915 gram